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Miranda Kerr - At Home Secrets with Vogue Living

 I'm excited to show Vogue living my Malibu home I wanted my home to feel really inviting and warm I had by growing up in Australia in the countryside a lot of outdoor indoor space my grandmother had a grand piano and so I've got a grand piano running at home and give my son a big hug at the moment we quite like having non tea parties so I'll put the kettle on and one both have a little cup of tea so this is my Malibu bathroom I wanted this space to feel like a retreat so it's quite open it's quite light the thing I love about my shower is that when I get in I can see the ocean and so in the morning it's really inspiring to have that view while I'm in there doing my morning ritual all I see a snail in here hold on little snail I love being able to come out to my garden and pick fresh produce Oh Victor winner my grandpa used to always pick the vegetables from the garden and my grandma would always make them so now I'm doing that myself which is really rewarding all there's one unit right the kitchen is probably one of my favorite rooms in the house recently I've gotten into baking and then I also have a famous slow roast chicken and as I was telling you about the baking I like it to get creative with the pastry on the top this one has a little heart the you

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